Join our School Partnership Program with over 40 Area Schools – Contact our community events coordinator at or (517) 699-2001.
We want to help you make your party a success! We work closely with your PTO/PTA to help create a fun filled event night. We can provide your school with posters to hang in the hallways, flyers to pass out to the students, reminder slips, free passes for the principal and teachers, and presale tickets, if requested. Food isn’t a problem either. You can purchase pizza, hot dogs, nachos, popcorn, and more from our snack bar or you can add a food package to your private party for a discounted price.
Ideas for a Successful School Event
- Promote the party as a Family Skate Night.
- School Principal and Teachers attendance is key. Teachers and Principals are free to all parties with the skating pass provided.
- Make sure the dates for the entire year are put into the school calendar.
- Put the dates in the monthly newsletter the month before the party.
- Send home a flyer two-weeks prior to the party and a reminder slip one-week prior to the party. Masters are included in your packet.
- Teachers hand out roller skating stickers (provided) the day of the event. Stickers are redeemable for a free coke at your event.
- Announce the party in the morning announcements the entire week prior to the party and again the day of the party.
- Hang up the five party posters provided two-weeks prior to the party.
- Put the date and time of the party on the school sign (if available) the week prior to the party.
- Announce the upcoming party at each PTA/PTO meeting.
- Schedule Roller Roo, the roller skating mascot, to visit your school the day of your event at lunch or at the end of the day to remind the kids of the party.
- Please call us to change the date if there is another event scheduled on the same date; i.e. 6th grade round-up or a snow day.